The Secret of Beauty
There's something about a woman who can turn a smile, a spark flies, the dream and reality. What many women as men. But there are some things that women can have that can make a difference, that's what makes a woman truly beautiful. And it is not beauty in itself. Women are the best hairstyle, clothes that fit, money, popularity, sex appeal ... they can all these things and never really beautiful. And women want to be beautiful. It was a little girl growing up everything we ever wanted is to love. It is therefore, in addition to women from the rest because it does not look or a perfect body or cosmetic surgery that money can buy?What makes a woman truly beautiful is her spirit. Sense of purpose and passion that she knew she had something to live for. It's a real beauty of the real power, real sex appeal, confidence in one small package, all it sounds absurd at first. But if you think about it, you can see how that makes sense of all the movies you've ever seen, consider all the books you've read from Queens, witches, modern witches and characters, or even women. Actually, for that matter, but each of them look different with different functions, some blonde, others brown, or even a red head with freckles that dot her nose. Look for Anne of Green Gables, Anne of the Lady Guinevere and Arthur's Round Table, or Lord of the Rings Arwyn of these women have very different personalities, different. But the real beauty in their own way, we look at women and it is not. Because their bodies are similar to them or their money. It is not their story. It is their love pure and unbridled spirit, for that's what they do not have much to say.
People are not interested in plastic or fake because it's boring, tedious, and too often not to be sweet, or fat in the fiery passion that you play in the presence of what makes life. You magnetically attractive and is one of the millions. It's a beauty secret that no one can copy, modify, or cut off. Beauty is more than skin deep and do all the valuable features that God gave you life in a unique and radiation. Your mind is what makes you shine. The fiber is warm, soft and subtle or bold and daring, it is the most beautiful in the world.
It's not about the clothes that you wear your hair color or body type you have. What makes a woman feel as beautiful as she is for life, for someone to love. It's what you love about your favorite heroine. How come she gets her prince as part of the adventure and the wild woman of all?. It is not because she is fair of them all. It was something about her that appeals to everyone and not physically. After all, only the physical beauty and appeal that you received so far and it was not long enough.
You are the secret weapon you have the right to be one of a kind of beauty that makes you sexy, Regal, elegant and attractive, what makes the heat spread in your mind that everyone has a part. We just need a little spark of light. Do not let it go over your breathing do not hide your love. But leave it to your child and to provide you with a beautiful heroine of your own.
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